I'm really glad I posted what I did the last time on being released and that several of you said there were resources I could go to. Thanks for steering me that way. I've started researching release in Dom/sub relationships.
And it turns out that not surprisingly, they are different. We are different. We want to please, our relationships are about pleasing, about earning approval, so release is a clear sign that hasn't happened.
We put more into the relationships in terms of trust, honesty, dependency. If it's real we do. I guess this isn't mandatory.
Maybe even the fact that it's s different kind of relationship where all the norms aren't all laid out for us to see right from the beginning? So we don't know what to look for in a Dom, don't know what to select for, don't know how to be, during and after, don't know the risks.
Sagacity says:
Coping with release produces some of the toughest emotions a submissive will ever face. Lost, alone, scared, lonely, no direction, unfocused, failure, guilt, panic, disappointment, depression are but a few of the emotions.
Yes, all of that. Wow. It really isn't just me gone crazy all of a sudden. What I'm feeling is normal in this situation. Because I do feel crazy, panicked, out of control. Bargaining, hysterical. That I'm a failure, disappointing - I feel like I wrecked my relationship. I feel scared.
The withdrawal of approval is killer. It's brutal to my self-esteem and my sense of purpose. Directionless. Depression. Grief.
I feel like I was a fool to do this, to trust, to put myself in this situation. Like I will never trust someone that way again. I did this to myself on purpose. This is my own fault for trusting.
Anger. Thank goodness for the anger which is finally starting.
My best suggestion is to not face them alone. Seek out sis/bros, they have been there, they can help you through it.
Most people in my life don't know that I had this relationship and I can't out myself now.
I have one amazing friend, and I've leaned on her pretty heavily. She has been amazing and sympathetic and helped me and listened to hours of me talking, crying, silent. She seems like an endless well of friendship and she must be so freaking fed up with me. If I was her, I would be.
So I'm reaching out to blog world. If any of you have any suggestions about anything you can think of that will help, I think I'm open to any and all. Links, books, pep talks, advice, (even advice that I should buck up), things I should do or think or just sympathy, I can use all the help I can get.
Or if it's happening to you, or has happened. Write to me and let me know and maybe we can help each other. I know I'm not the first, and won't be the last.
Some of you have already offered support, sympathy, advice or a hug. I really appreciate it. It's actually amazing how much it helped. Thank you.
Hopefully your Dominant will also help you as much as possible, with Their aftercare of you.
No. He really hasn't. More on this later. But he really has not. Turns out that's important.
I've found several sites with info, and I probably won't go through them all, some strike me as more helpful to me right now. But I'm going to start to keep a list of links that help. If you have suggestions, I welcome them.